Regular Issues
Aims and Scope Clinical and pre-clinical studies are welcomed as are reviews, case reports, preliminary communications and studies on new indications or new formulations of established products. Post-marketing surveillance, pharmacoeconomic and managed care studies are also invited.
All medical areas will be considered for publication including animal pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, toxicology, teratology and clinical trials.
Scientific Review and Acceptance
Manuscripts submitted for publication are scientifically reviewed, the basic criterion for acceptance being the scientific quality of the work described. All studies should have the approval of a relevant ethics committee. Patients should have given written informed consent and animal experiments should conform to standard animal treatment guidelines. Details of these requirements should be clearly stated in the methods section. Papers are published on a page sponsorship basis, current rates being available on application to the publisher.
Rapid Publication
Approved papers that have sponsorship secured are normally published on-line within 12 weeks of acceptance. This exceptional publication speed, particularly on-line, means that articles are available and referenceable within weeks rather than months.
Publishing Agreement
Before publication, a Publishing Agreement Form regarding copyright transfer and permissions and declaration of conflict of interest must be completed and signed by all named authors. A form will be sent on receipt of the paper or you can download a copy from the website.
Copyright – It is a condition of publication that papers accepted for publication and the contents of the journal become the absolute copyright of the journal. This does not affect any rights of authors to use all or part of their material independently, although in doing so full credit should be given to the original reference.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holders to reproduce any previously (or soon to be) published material. The relevant permission letters must accompany the submitted paper.
Conflict of Interest – The Publishing Agreement Form will ask for any potentially conflicting interests to be declared. These include affiliation or financial involvement with any organization having financial interest or financial competition with the content of the manuscript. Authors should note that the declaration will be included in the Acknowledgements.
Preparation of Manuscripts
The following should be used as a guide in preparing papers for publication. Please do not be over-concerned with every last detail in its presentation. Scientific accuracy, content and timeliness of submission are what we should most like authors to focus on. It is the responsibility of all authors to agree on the content of their paper before submission. Editing to ensure good English grammar, correct journal style and clear presentation will be undertaken by journal staff.
Original manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts to Biomedical Journals available at: http://www.icmje.org/
Title Page
The title should be concise and specific. Below this please indicate the initials and surname of each author together with the full name and postal address of where the work was carried out. The full postal and e-mail address of the principal author must also be supplied. Wherever possible, the Journal likes to send author proofs via e-mail in PDF format; please indicate on the manuscript whether you can receive proofs in this way.
The second page of the manuscript should carry a summary of not more than 150 words. If the paper describes a study or investigation, the summary should state its purpose, the basic procedure, main findings and principal conclusions. New and important observations or aspects of the study should be emphasized. Summaries of review articles should be a brief overview of the main points from the review.
Key Words
Up to eight key words should be provided that might be used by researchers searching bibliographic databases for the paper.
Main Body of Text
For standard research papers the text should be divided into Introduction, Patients & Methods/Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References.
Case reports should be divided into Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References.
Review articles and other types of papers may take their own relevant main headings.
Each page including the title page, references, tables and figure legends should be numbered consecutively.
Online Links
In the online version of the paper up to three links to data already available on the web can be included. Please provide the URL and indicate within the text where the link should appear.
These should be listed numerically, according to their first appearance in the text, listing up to six authors and using journal abbreviations as listed in INDEX MEDICUS. For example:
1. Leyden J, Dunlap F, Miller B, Winters P, Lebwohl M, Hecker D, et al: Finasteride in the treatment of men with frontal male pattern hair loss. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999; 40: 930 – 937.
2. Deppe G (ed): Chemotherapy of Gynecologic Cancer, 2nd edn. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1998; pp 297–308.
Chapter in book:
3. Cabana BE: Bioequivalence and in vitro testing of drug formulations. In: Towards Better Safety of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products (Brenner DD, ed). Amsterdam: Elsevier North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1994; pp 301–322.
References to 'submitted work' are not acceptable. All references should refer to work that has either been published or has been accepted for publication (in press). Exhaustive lists should be avoided. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors.
In the text, references should be referred to using the appropriate number as a superscript immediately following the relevant section of text.
Tables and Illustrations
As many Tables as necessary may be included as long as there is no repetition of data. For example do not include the same data as both a Table and a Figure. They should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers, e.g. TABLE 2, they must have a brief caption and be referred to in the main body of the text.
Photomicrographs should preferably incorporate a scale bar or alternatively the magnification factor should be included in the legend. Half-tones (photographs) submitted in electronic format will need to be of high resolution in order to ensure good final print quality and clarity. If it is not possible to send these electronically, three original photographs or slides should be provided. On the back of each write with a soft pencil the Figure number, an indication of the top edge and the name of the main author.
Where the submitted artwork fails to achieve the standard required for direct reproduction, Mendor Editions will redraw it in the interests of saving time and speeding up publication. To aid redrawing, data (plotting) points should be provided with all submitted artwork.
Illustrations are normally reproduced in black and white. Occasionally, however, it is necessary to reproduce material in colour. Where authors believe that they will have material that will necessitate colour printing, please let us know at the earliest opportunity as there will be a cost implication.
Submission of Manuscripts
You can submit your manuscript by e-mail.
In all cases please ensure that you clearly state that your manuscript is being submitted for publication in the journal.
You are advised to keep a copy of your paper for reference.
These are available in multiples of 100. A reprint order form and price list will be sent to the principal author as soon as proofs have been prepared. Reprints of articles can be prepared in any language. Details of the cost of reprints or translations are available on request.
These are available in multiples of 100 ahead of publication. Please provide details and contact the publisher.
Aims and Scope
Founded in 2007, TIJM,The International Journal of Medicine aims to establish itself as a leading journal for rapid publication of medical, pre-clinical and clinical research.
The journal will consider for publication as a supplement a variety of different types of material, including symposium proceedings or summaries of symposium presentations.
Non-symposium collections of medical, pre-clinical or clinical data on a specific topic are also suitable as supplement material. Suitable topics are collections of clinical or pre-clinical study data, pharmacoeconomic data, studies on new indications or new formulations of established products, post-marketing surveillance data, and managed care studies.
Scientific Review and Acceptance
Manuscripts submitted for publication will be scientifically reviewed. This will either be by a supplement Guest Editor or additionally by independent peer reviewers depending on the requirements of the sponsor and the nature of the material being published. In both cases the basic criterion for acceptance is the scientific quality of the papers.
Rapid Publication
Supplements are normally published both in print and on-line in under 12 weeks of the papers being accepted. This exceptional publication speed means that articles are available and referenceable within weeks rather than months.
For supplements, such as proceedings, that are based on output from a symposium, the journal recommends that your manuscript should be completed and made available to the journal at or immediately before the date of the event. This will ensure that publication can be as timely as possible, for example within 12 weeks after the symposium.
Publishing Agreement
Before publication, a Publishing Agreement Form regarding copyright transfer and permissions and declaration of conflict of interest must be completed and signed by all named authors. A form will be sent on receipt of the paper or you can download a copy from the website.
Copyright – It is a condition of publication that papers accepted for publication and the contents of TIJM become the absolute copyright of Mendor Editions.This does not affect any rights of authors to use all or part of their material independently, although in doing so full credit should be given to the original TIJM reference.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holders to reproduce any previously (or soon to be) published material. The relevant permission letters must accompany the submitted paper.
Conflicts of Interest – The Publishing Agreement Form will ask for any potentially conflicting interests to be declared. These include affiliation or financial involvement with any organization having financial interest or financial competition with the content of the manuscript. Authors should note that the declaration will be included in a Conflicts of Interest section at the end of their article.
Preparation of Manuscripts
The following should be used as a guide in preparing papers for publication. Please do not be over-concerned with every last detail in its presentation. Scientific accuracy, content and timeliness of submission are what we should most like authors to focus on. It is the responsibility of all authors to agree on the content of their paper before submission. Editing to ensure good English grammar, correct journal style and clear presentation will be undertaken by journal staff.
Original manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts to Biomedical Journals available at: http://www.icmje.org/
Title Page
The title page should be concise and specific. Below this please indicate the initials and surname of each author together with the full name and postal address of where the work was carried out. The full postal and e-mail address of the principal author must also be supplied. Wherever possible, the Journal likes to send author proofs via e-mail in PDF format; please indicate on the manuscript whether you can receive proofs in this way.
The second page of the manuscript should carry a summary of not more than 150 words. If the paper describes a study or investigation, the summary should state its purpose, the basic procedure, main findings and principal conclusions. New and important observations or aspects of the study should be emphasized. Summaries of review articles should be a brief overview of the main points from the review.
Key Words
Up to eight key words should be provided that might be used by researchers searching bibliographic databases for the paper.
Main Body of Text
For standard research papers the text should be divided into Introduction, Patients & Methods/Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References.
Case reports should be divided into Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References.
Review articles may take their own relevant main headings.
Each page including the title page, references, tables and figure legends should be numbered consecutively.
Online Links
In the online version of the paper up to three links to data already available on the web can be included. Please provide the URL and indicate within the text where the link should appear.
These should be listed numerically, according to their first appearance in the text, listing up to six authors and using journal abbreviations as listed in INDEX MEDICUS. For example:
4. Leyden J, Dunlap F, Miller B, Winters P, Lebwohl M, Hecker D, et al: Finasteride in the treatment of men with frontal male pattern hair loss. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999; 40: 930 – 937.
5. Deppe G (ed): Chemotherapy of Gynecologic Cancer, 2nd edn. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1998; pp 297–308.
Chapter in book:
6. Cabana BE: Bioequivalence and in vitro testing of drug formulations. In: Towards Better Safety of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products (Brenner DD, ed). Amsterdam: Elsevier North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1994; pp 301-322.
References to 'submitted work' are not acceptable. All references should refer to work has either been published or has been accepted for publication (in press). Exhaustive lists should be avoided. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors.
In the text, references should be referred to using the appropriate number as a superscript immediately following the relevant section of text.
Tables and Illustrations
As many Tables as necessary may be included as long as there is no repetition of data. For example do not include the same data as both a Table and a Figure. They should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers, e.g. TABLE 2, they must have a brief caption and be referred to in the main body of the text.
Photomicrographs should preferably incorporate a scale bar or alternatively the magnification factor should be included in the legend. Half-tones (photographs) submitted in electronic format will need to be of high resolution in order to ensure good final print quality and clarity. If it is not possible to send these electronically, three original photograph or slides should be provided. On the back of each write with a soft pencil the Figure number, an indication of the top edge and the name of the main author.
Where the submitted artwork fails to achieve the standard required for direct reproduction, Mendor Editions will redraw it in the interests of saving time and speeding up publication. To aid redrawing, data (plotting) points should be provided with all submitted artwork.
Illustrations are normally reproduced in black and white. Occasionally it is necessary to reproduce material in colour. Where authors believe that they will have material that will necessitate colour printing, please let us and the sponsoring company know at the earliest opportunity as there will be a cost implication.
Submission of Manuscripts
You can submit your manuscript by e-mail. If submitting on disk please include a print out and ensure you include any illustrations.
If your manuscript relates to a symposium please include its details and send your e-mail submission before you leave for it.
If submitting on disk please include a print out and also ensure that you include any illustrations. Everything should be clearly labelled with your name and that it is for publication in a supplement to the IJM. If your manuscript relates to a symposium it should then be handed to the journal’s representative at that symposium.
You are advised to keep a copy of your paper for reference.
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